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The Day of Pentecost

A few days ago, many people celebrated the Day of Pentecost.  This Christian holiday is derived from the Jewish Feast of Pentecost, also called the "feast of harvest" or "feast of weeks."  (see Bible Dictionary, Feasts, 7th paragraph).  In Acts 2, we get an account of the first Christian celebration of Pentecost following the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.  One of my favorite things about this story is what we can learn about continuing revelation.

The story starts with a group of saints gathered together to celebrate the Pentecost.  All of sudden, there was a rushing noise, and "cloven tongues likes as of fire," which came upon those sitting in the building.  This is similar to Jesus' statement that those who are baptized will be visited "with fire and with the Holy Ghost" (3 Nephi 11:35).  This makes sense: all of those there were previously baptized, but Jesus said that he had to leave them so the Spirit could come and dwell with them (see John 16:7).

Some of those on whom the Spirit fell began to prophecy, and speak in tongues so that all the visiting Gentiles could understand in their own languages.  Those not of the faith were confused, but Peter, seeing the opportunity to testify, stood up and explained what was going on.  He talked about how this event fulfilled a prophecy of Joel, and then explained how Jesus Christ was the Messiah, and in His life fulfilled many other Old Testament prophecies.  One notable part of Peter's discourse is when he bore his special witness of Christ, as one who had seen Him.  This is what sets apart Apostles from other followers of Christ.

Many of the Jews there who were listening to the words of Peter felt "pricked in their heart[s]" by the Spirit and asked what they should do.  Peter told them they needed to "repent and be baptized," so they could also "receive the gift of the Holy Ghost" that they had seen manifested in so many around them.  Because of Peter's testimony, there were approximately 3000 people baptized that day.

This event shows how important it is to have leadership in the church of Jesus Christ.  What would have happened if Peter had not stood up and explained the phenomenon to the non-believers?  They would likely have gone their way, still thinking that the saints were drunkards.  With Peter's leadership however, many felt the Spirit and were converted.  Also, because Peter had been given the authority to baptize from Jesus, this saving ordinance could be performed for so many people.

Today we also have such leadership.  President Russell M. Nelson is the spokesman for Jesus Christ today, just as Peter was almost 2000 years ago.  In the most recent general conference (April 2019), he said:

The Savior said, ‘In my Father’s house are many mansions.’ However, as you choose not to make covenants with God, you are settling for a most meager roof over your head throughout all eternity.
Pour out your heart to God. Ask Him if these things are true. Make time to study His words. Really study! If you truly love your family and if you desire to be exalted with them throughout eternity, pay the price now—through serious study and fervent prayer—to know these eternal truths and then to abide by them.

I have felt a witness from the Spirit for myself that President Nelson really is a prophet.  You too can feel this witness if you are willing to sincerely ask God in prayer.


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