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Jacob the Unshakable

My dad is an excellent poet.  If you are interested in poetry about anything from Star Trek to Set Theory to The Lord of the Rings, you should check out his website.  Once in a while this poetry gene will manifest itself in me.  I had the thought a couple of months ago to write a poem about Jacob, the brother of Nephi, and his unshakable faith.  I wrote the first half of the poem, then got stuck.  It was only recently that I wrote the second half.  I hope you enjoy it.


Jacob the Unshakable

Copyright 2018 Benjamin James

Jacob the unshakable,
Servant of the Lord
Taught to all of Lehi’s kin
The everlasting word.

Among them came an antichrist
Lo, Sherem was his name.
He had great skill in speech of men,
Untruths he did proclaim.

“Dear brother Jacob,” he effused
“I wish to speak with thee.
Thou keepest these poor people down
Not letting them be free.”

“You cannot know of things to come,
The future is unknown.
That Christ does not exist at all
Is evidently shown.”

Yet Jacob could not be dismayed
In standing up for truth.
Much revelation he'd received
When he was just a youth.

And now, a pow’rful prophet he,
Would not give in to doubt.
He laid a plan to stop this man
And drive false doctrine out.

“Thou knowest that there is a God,”
Responded Jacob, firm.
“And yet thou wilt deny the truth,
Tho Spirit doth confirm.”

“It comes to this - all men have sinned;
Are fallen from His grace.
Without a Savior we could not
Again behold His face.”

“These things I know inside myself
By Spirit's burning fire.
If you indeed deny again,
Your fate will then be dire.”

“Then by this Spirit,” Sherem said,
“Show unto me a sign,
And then I will believe thy words,
Thy teachings are divine.”

“O Lord,” the prophet Jacob cried,
“Thy righteous will be done.
Thou hast all power, so I cry
By name of thy dear Son.”

Then turning towards Sherem, said,
“God shall show thee a sign
Thou shalt be smitten to the earth
By our Lord's pow’r divine.”

Then to his knees did Sherem fall,
Now smitten to the ground,
And came to rest upon his face
Without making a sound.

For many days with burning heat
Did Sherem lie in bed.
Until one day he fin’ly spoke,
“I know I'll soon be dead.”

“Please gather in the multitudes
So I may speak to all.
I have not long left in this world,
My ears do hear death’s call.”

With all the people gathered near
Close by to Sherem's side,
He said, “I must confess to you.
Know this - that I have lied.”

“There is a Christ! This is the truth,
Which Jacob always taught.
Yet I rebelled against the light,
Until my lie was caught.”

“Not only this, yea, there is more,
I know God's pow’r is real.
‘Tis manifested to the earth
By Spirit which you feel”

“And God doth send his servants down
To minister to man,
That He may bless all of our lives
In any way He can.”

“And now I fear that I have made
A wrong I cannot right
All I can do is pray to God
For favor in His sight.”

“Perhaps my sin is e’en too great
For God to pardon me.
Yet I commend my soul to Him.
I live, O Lord, through Thee!”

And having said this, Sherem died,
He did give up the ghost.
Astonishment then swept throughout
All the assembled host.

“O Lord,” prayed Jacob, quietly,
“I thank thee for this thing,
Which thou hast done, that to thy Son,
Thy children we may bring.”

And from this moment, Jacob knew
The people would be strong
In searching scriptures faithfully,
And bringing friends along.

And Jacob, mighty, humble man
On whom God could depend
Remained in faith unshakable
Unto the very end.


  1. Well done! I like that a lot. Serious poets will tell you that what you and I write is not poetry, but the lowly art form of verse. Don't tell Brother Talbot, but I prefer verse.


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