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Showing posts from June, 2019

The Day of Pentecost

A few days ago, many people celebrated the Day of Pentecost.  This Christian holiday is derived from the Jewish Feast of Pentecost, also called the "feast of harvest" or "feast of weeks."  (see Bible Dictionary, Feasts , 7th paragraph).  In Acts 2 , we get an account of the first Christian celebration of Pentecost following the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.  One of my favorite things about this story is what we can learn about continuing revelation. The story starts with a group of saints gathered together to celebrate the Pentecost.  All of sudden, there was a rushing noise, and "cloven tongues likes as of fire," which came upon those sitting in the building.  This is similar to Jesus' statement that those who are baptized will be visited "with fire and with the Holy Ghost" ( 3 Nephi 11:35 ).  This makes sense: all of those there were previously baptized, but Jesus said that he had to leave them so the Spirit could come and dwell with them...