Two weeks ago I posted some scriptural passages that I formatted to easily be used in somewhat of a more theater-like approach to family scripture study ( Feb 4, 2018 ). I have since learned that this can be called " Reader's Theater ." This week in my study, I read Alma 43 and 44 , the first real battle we hear about where Captain Moroni was in charge. I was again inspired to create some Reader's Theater from these chapters. Also, since last time, I had a request to format the Garden of Eden experience of Adam and Even in the same manner. This was a little trickier to do, but I hope the end result is somewhat useful. Captain Moroni vs Zarahemnah (Alma 44) The Garden of Eden Story (Moses 2-5 ish) Note: you must read these out loud! :) Enjoy your scripture study. If anyone else has ideas of what to turn into "Reader's Theater," please send those ideas my direction. P.S. There is an old seminary video production of Capta...
Scriptures, references, and musings about various gospel topics.