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Showing posts from May, 2018

May the Fourth Be With You

To say that I am a fan of Star Wars would be an understatement.  One of the reasons I love it so much is because of the light it sheds on the struggle between good and evil.  There is a lot of symbolism (at least in the original trilogy) that relates to the gospel.  I would like to write about gospel lessons that can be learned from Star Wars.  Prepare yourself for some serious pontificating. (For a more immersive experience, put on some good Star Wars music, such as this or this ) Credit: LucasFilm ( Fair Use ) I would like to take the approach of following Luke Skywalker's progression throughout the movies as an allegory for our own lives, and how we can learn to be more Christlike.  Luke started out being very whiny, always complaining about what's going wrong in his life, and thinking about where he would rather be instead.  "I'm never going to get off this rock!" He was also quite reckless.  Although he knew "the Judland wastes are not t...