In case any of you were not aware, there was a devotional last night in Salt Lake City with Elder and Sis. Uchtdorf. They spoke about "the adventure of mortality" with reference to young adults. I had the privilege of attending the devotional live, and I certainly felt the Spirit. I would encourage all young adults reading this (and older adults if you want to) to go listen to/watch this devotional. Even if you have already seen it, you will benefit from studying it again. Some of you may know that I enjoy learning about historical and literary evidences for the Book of Mormon. I believe that, just as it is important to listen to the Spirit when finding a testimony, we should also use our powers of reasoning and deduction to find truth. One of the more convincing evidences for the Book of Mormon that has come to light in recent years is the Hebrew literary structure called chiasmus. A chiasmus is a way of emphasizing an idea through reverse parall...
Scriptures, references, and musings about various gospel topics.