It is rather fortuitous that I have already covered the topic of the spirit world , because that allows us to segway directly to a discussion of the resurrection, a direct result of the Atonement of Christ, which was discussed last week. Because Christ rose from the dead, we also will rise. "For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive" ( 1 Cor. 15:22 ). Christ overcame one of the challenges keeping us from returning to live with God - physical death. This blessing is granted to all who have ever or will ever live on the earth. Even the wicked will be given back their bodies. This resurrection is in preparation for eventual judgment. These two events are often spoken of in connection with one another in the scriptures. For example, Jacob said: "...and the spirit and the body is restored to itself again, and all men become incorruptible, and immortal, and they are living souls, having a perfect knowledge like unto us in th...
Scriptures, references, and musings about various gospel topics.